SIM Registration Check (All Biomatric) 100% Best Process

Sim registration checks Online: Bangladesh has implemented Biometric SIM card registration to curb illegal activities involving unidentified or counterfeit SIM cards. Yet, multiple SIM cards can be linked to a single NID number, making individuals concerned about their registration status. This article guides you in checking SIM card registration and exploring various options.

How many SIM cards can be registered under NID?

Per Bangladesh government policy, you can register 15 SIM cards under a single name/NID number. Using this allocation of SIM card registrations wisely and efficiently is crucial.

Check Your SIM Registered Under Which National ID (NID)

01Grameen (GP)*1600*1#
sim registration check Online

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How to Check Online

Each telecom company, both public and private, has introduced individual methods for SIM card registration tied to specific NID numbers. Here’s the process for each operator:

A universal code, *16001#, allows checking SIM card registration across all operators. Dial the code, enter the last four digits of your NID when prompted in the pop-up, and press enter. Shortly after, you’ll receive a message listing the phone numbers under that NID. For Robi users, dial *1600*3# from a registered SIM under their name to view the list of phone numbers registered under that user.

Grameenphone Biometric Registration Check: For Grameenphone users, check the registered phone numbers under your name by texting ‘Info’ to 4949. To check for someone else, text “Reg [17 digit NID Number]” to 4949 for SIM card registration verification.

Airtel Sim Check Online

To see the phone numbers registered under your name, dial *121*4444#. For another person’s registration, use the universal code.

As a Banglalink SIM user, dial *1600*2# to verify the phone numbers registered under your name and NID. For checking different NID cards, there’s no specific code provided by Banglalink. You can use the universal code for SIM verification.

SIM Card Registration Check

How can I check my SIM registration Easily?

Dial *16001#, input the last four digits of your NID, proceed, and press Next to receive a message listing registered individuals under the NIDs.

SIM Card Registration Check Simple Way

Call *16001# and enter the last four digits of your ID (NID/Passport), or text the last four digits of your NID/Passport to 16001.

Tag: Sim Check Code, How to check sim registration, nid sim registration check,

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